Sunday, April 27, 2008

not my best day... but there is always the hope of a better tomorrow

Today was most certainly not my best in handling my grief. At church today our pastor played a video about a family only having 99 days with their special little boy before he went home to be with the Lord. I sat in shock during the video, unable to breath or move. I was completely paralyzed. I did not want to be sitting there reliving my nightmare of watching the nurse take my dead son away... but I was. The movie finally ended after what I felt was an eternity... and I bolted out of there to the bathroom to cope with all that I was feeling. I am not blaming pastor as I am sure that there was a very valid point to showing the movie in his sermon...which I will be listening to online...but when I choose to dwell and deal with my hurt,loss and grief I choose to do it in the privacy of my home not in the sanctuary at church...but it was just hard to have felt as though I had made some strides in handling my loss and then there in the middle of church my grief reared it angry face and I lost it. Thank heaven for wonderful Godly friends who come alongside and support us in our time of need! Thank you Diona and were placed in just the right spots at the right time.

Well, I am ready to put today to bed... and start fresh tomorrow.
His mercy's are new every morning and great is His faithfulness...
I am living in those promises during this time of testing and stretching of my faith!

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