Wednesday, April 30, 2008

light bulb moment

I love Bible Study Fellowship...I know that it may come as a surprise to some... but I love it. This last week were studying Jesus praying in the Garden and submitting to His fathers will... the Cross. The notes were very profound and have greatly changed my out look on Christ and His love for us.
There was a line in the notes that left my mouth hanging open... it read.
Is my suffering wasted without acceptance and therefore without triumphant, because I choose not to receive help from the experience of Jesus nor to bring my suffering to God as Jesus did in earnest prayer!!!

I am sure that to you, the reader, this makes no sense at all... but to me who is going through this suffering it has changed the way I treat my suffering. I have not be faithful to bring it to the Lord in prayer... I have asked for my heart to be healed, to have my children's and husbands heart to be healed...but I have never fully given my suffering, my pain to God. I have held on to it tightly with both hands for fear of letting the pain go. Pain is my only connection with my son... pain was his birth, pain was his leaving, pain is my memory...God wants me to come to Him in earnest prayer asking Him to help he release my pain!
It was a light bulb moment
So, that is what my prayers have changed to... yes we need healing of the heart but before that can really take place we must let go of our pain and become pliable clay in our Fathers hand.That through this experience He can transform and change us into the family He would have us to be!!
I am now anxious to see what plans God has in store for my family and myself.

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