Monday, May 12, 2008

not sure what to!!!!

I was picking Layne up from school today and her teacher popped out of the class and asked to speak with me...yikes.
Ms Jami proceed to relay a conversation that she had had with Layne that day.
The class was talking about Mothers Day and what did you get for your mommy. Layne piped up "I got a card for my mom from my brother who lives in heaven." She paused for a minute and asked Ms Jami "do you have a baby in heaven"... silence... Ms Jami " Yes, Layne I do." awkward pause... Layne asked "is your baby a boy or a girl?"
Ms Jami said she did not know.

They were finally able to divert Layne's attention else where, but it seemed to really bother her teacher to discuss the topic of death and heaven. I know that it is not a popular topic, but is very real and very fresh in our minds. I just need advise on how to talk with Ms Jami about how Layne is dealing with her grief and help Layne find an outlet to express her grief.
Who knew that this loss would impact my daughter is such a huge way...I am sad for the innocence that is lost, but also so blessed see my daughter excited about Heaven and seeing Jesus... we tell her that is where Nicholas is and because she has asked Jesus in her heart one day too she will be with Jesus!

1 comment:

mommybader said...

I have a feeling that Ms Jami probably just wasn't sure what all you have taught Layne about Heaven and death and all that...and didn't want to contradict you or confuse Layne about anything. Plus who knows what other parents have taught their kids and what they'd feel comfortable having Ms Jami tell their kids about such sensitive topics. So, I'm not taking Ms Jami's side at all, I would be annoyed too by her reaction to Layne's innocent questions but all I can guess is she was kind of a deer caught in the headlights when Layne brought up such controversial, sensitive topics. Plus she was probably afraid that other kids might start piping in their two cents...I don't know, just some ideas. Hope I was helpful...