Thursday, May 22, 2008


Today we were playing with some friends and the conversation of Nicholas came up. Layne proceeded to tell her friend all about that fateful Dr.s appointment. Layne told her friend all about the little thing that listens to the baby's heartbeat( the Doppler) and where they put it on mama's belly and that they could not find Nicholas' heart beat because he was dead and with Jesus. My heart broke all over again that I took her with me.. that I did not leave my kids with a friend and that she has had to walk through this. Her pain and grief is so very really and very hard as a mom to watch her walk through... if I could go back and change that decision I would. But I can not, so now I need to know the best way to come along side Layne and help her deal with her sorrow and sadness. Please keep Layne in your prayers. I am asking that My heavenly Father gives me wisdom and right response to all her questions, that I would have patients with her, that I would allow her to grieve so that she and I would both testify to Gods faithfulness through this trial of losing Nicholas.


mommybader said...

I will definitely be praying for you...that you'd have right responses for Layne and wisdom in how to best help her deal with her grief. I'll also be sure to pray for Laynee - as Ty calls her :o) - that God would heal her little broken heart.

Unknown said...

So sorry you are having to doubt the decision to take her, but remember the words as she puts it: "he was dead and with Jesus." With Jesus! That is something she will remember and hold onto as she gets older. It is hard for a child to go through this...but through hardships comes rest in Christ...even at the tender are of preschoolers.
They love Nicholas and will always be sad that they never got to see him face to least on the earth.